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Theory & Application

What is Ultrasonic Plastic Welding ?​


Chi tiết sản phẩm

Ultrasonic plastic welding is the joining of thermoplastics through the use of friction heat caused by high frequency mechanical vibrations. Welding is accomplished by applying low amplitude ( 1 to 250 µm ) high frequency( 15 to 30kHz ) to workpiece by a vibrating tool called a “horn”.
The mechanical motion produces the frictional heat at the joining surface of the plastic parts. In effect, the plastic material at the joint surface melts and forms a molecular bond between the parts.


Application of Ultrasonic Plastic Welding

Thông số kỹ thuật


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Trụ sở: Quang Trung, Thành Phố Thủy Nguyên, Thành Phố Hải Phòng, ( Phone: 0969.986.590) 
Nhà máy: 40-2, Ojeong-ro, Bucheon-si, tỉnh Gyeonggi-do, Hàn Quốc
  • Tel: 0966.986.590
  • Email: mecstechvina@gmail.com
  • MST: 0201986590
  • Website: https://mecstechvina.com